I decided that today is the day I go digging through the dusty boxes in the garage to uncover my neglected knitting gear! And right after I do that I'm going to sign up for a knitting class (again) at my fave neighborhood craft store and I'm going to become a knitting machine! Unless I like crocheting better...I can't remember which is supposed to be easier.

Booties! Awwww.... so cute!
Oh, the ninja is pretty dope, too.
Crocheting is way easier, but knitting is more fun. Plus I like the klickety-klack of the knitting needles. All i know is the most basic stitch, and it takes me ten years to make a scarf. I've been thinking of taking a class too- I have visions of being sassy mom who knits cool bebe clothes. Or at least like, a little sweater or something.
One day, me and my friend Mallory decided we were going to learn to knit. So we went to Purl Soho and bought Lots of Fancy Supplies.
Then, it was hard. Even when I watched "Mrs. Moskewitz's Knits" on youtube, I still couldn't learn.
And now, a year later, neither of us can knit. : /
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