Okay, I just found out about the new Grey Gardens film directed by Michael Sucsy (who is that?) for HBO and I just have to say that I'm super pissed. I realize that alot of people have fallen in love with both Edie's after watching the Maysles super wonderful and touching documentary, Grey Gardens, and that musicals and plays have been written in their honor, but to have Jessica Lange and Drew Barrymore reenact actual scenes from said documentary is seriously disgusting and so unnecessary. Plus I really kind of hate Drew Barrymore so it makes this whole situation a lot worse. I understand that the HBO film fills in the storyline of both Edie's when they were younger and that's fine but to have them actually reenact them as they appeared so beautiful and crazy and sincere in the documentary is so
not okay to me. It is in fact blasphemous and horrible and anyone who isn't familiar with the Big and Little Edie should watch the real
Grey Gardens documentary where these women actually play themselves. Plus I'm pretty sure Little Edie actually says she wouldn't want anyone playing her in a movie that she should play herself, so there you have it.
Am I just hormonal and crazy?