Another little winged creature was saved from the clutches of certain death by the Drake Street bird rescue. Our back windows have proven to be hazardous to little birdies at times not to mention the apt killer we keep as a domestic pet, a.k.a. Clementine who is always close at hand to snatch them up while they sit in a daze. For reasons unknown G named our little bird Quito. Thank the heavens this story, like
Peapod's, had a happy ending.

Notice the killer locked inside showing no remorse.
Thankfully our other beastie has no real interest in killing - Elliott prefers walking around the house in makeshift capes.
In my somewhat humble opinion this delightful entry captures the essence of your fur kinds in their natural habitat. Sweet Killers and Intellectual Caped Crusaders Forever!
xoxo p
Yay! I love happy endings! What a pretty bird, and pretty cats, too :) Our other cat was also a killer. He must have brought 30 birds in through the pet door... I never became desensitized to the horror.
I like Quito's ruffled plumage.
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