Raise your hand if you have given up hope finding cool jeans for under $150? I'm talking about the kind of jeans that actually fit adults, not the tiny ass sizes at Forever 21. Well, put your hands down and look no further because they exist! My boss insisted that she had found super cool, stretchy, ultra-skinny leg, non-crack showing jeans for a mere $65! No, I argued. That simply cannot be. I made an emergency trip downtown to one of my fave stores, Fashionista, just to satisfy my curiosity. Within 20 minutes I walked out with my own pair of Cheap Monday jeans in stone wash grey that fit not unlike comfortable leggings. Some of you might be thinking, yeah, I don't wear that hipster skinny leg style, thanks but no thanks. (Believe me, I know.) However, for some magical and super-stretchy reason, Cheap Monday jeans fit just right. And not in a I-wish-I-were-in-high-school way. For reals.