Friday, September 26, 2008

The last night of the Fair...and the grease in the hair.

Going to the Kern County Fair has become a tradition where we eat almost anything deep-fried on a stick; this especially includes corndogs and deep-fried twinkies. (Don't knock it 'till you try it, yo!) Taking photos in the photo booth is also a must. Last year we had a jail theme - this year G wanted to do two in a "70's album cover open-mouthed stare" and the last two speak for themselves. ;)


Parisa said...

I love all of these pics!!!

Marieke said...

Love the pic! Are they actual polaroids? Some of the last?

Raquel said...

Great pictures. The photo booth ones made me smile! :)

tinyparticlesoflight said...

Yes, they're beloved polaroids - I saved them up just for the occasion! :)